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Puppies & handlers choosing their representatives

Puppy & Handler Belgium

The final phase of the Puppy & Handler Belgium 2024 election is taking place this weekend. This edition brings something new to this community which has grown significantly during the past years.

n 2017, an emerging community in Belgium felt the need to elect a national representative in order to promote Puppy Play in our country. In that way, Andron and then Simba were the first Mr Puppy Belgium. After the pandemic, there was decided to be more inclusive and to change to a gender neutral title, with Aston as Puppy Belgium 2022 and Marshmallow as Puppy Belgium 2023. A new innovation arrive in Brussels this year with the first election of Handler Belgium.

Former Mr Puppy Belgium (2018-2023)

The process has already started for applicants. Of 7 puppies, 5 remain selected for the final tests this weekend. As for the handlers, there are 4 competing for the first national title. Friday evening, you can get to know them better over a drink. Saturday starting at 14:00, time for the competition itself. This year, it will take place at the Grands Carmes complex, not far from Manneken Pis. On Sunday afternoon, the winners will go on a pub crawl accompanied by the entire Puppy Play community and friends. Get the lastest news by joining the Facebook event page.

Handler Belgium 2024 Candidates

Handler Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Handler Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Handler Belgium 2024 - Candidate

Puppy Belgium 2024 Candidates

Puppy Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Puppy Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Puppy Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Puppy Belgium 2024 - Candidate
Puppy Belgium 2024 - Candidate

During this weekend (and particularly during the Saturday competition), there is an opportunity for novices and the uninitiated to discover and understand what Puppy Play is in all its aspects. Since the other sections of the fetish community will also be present in the audience, it’s each of them who will be able to make themselves better known with each of their specificities. If you still feel very far from all that, don’t hesitate to come and see.

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